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We can't do this without you!

Sponsorship oportunities

The bulk of our seasonal fundraising is done during our annual 3 day long "Rally in the Valley". Throughout the year we also have other Dice Runs with hundreds of people from our area in attendance. These are GREAT opportunities for you to get your business name out there, help the kids, and write it off. That's right! Your sponsorship/contributions are tax deductible. Snake River Bros is a 501(C)3 non-profit organization. TAX ID 82-0530924


It's REALLY EASY to become a sponsor for any or all of our events! Contact us and we'll get you all the information you need to begin helping us help children!



Each year we plan several functions/rides to raise funds for disadvantaged children in the Southern Idaho area. These are children sleeping on the ground because they don't have beds. Sometimes they don't have proper clothing, shoes, or coats. Some have cancer, epilepsy, diabetes, and a wide variety of other infirmities that little kids just shouldn't have to deal with. They are your children, our children... our priority. Many have answered the call, and you can, too!
We are always grateful for donations such as these:

Items to be raffled, monetary donations, prepaid gas cards, and virtually anything that can bless a child and those that support them. Many of these kids need medical treatment outside the local area, so fuel and lodging is always a pressing concern.

We accept donations all year long. Any amount is the right amount, so please contact us! Thank you all!

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Without YOU, we couldn't do what we do. Please consider Donating, Sponsoring, or becoming an Advertiser!


If you have never gone on a ride with us, been to our Annual Rally in the Valley, enjoyed the festivities at one of our Dice Runs. These Rides are absolutely amazing experiences for riders of all skill levels. And you don't have to have a motorcycle to enjoy these awesome events! They are family friendly and designed for the sole purpose of enjoying our time together helping children. All these events need sponsors or they just wouldn't be possible.


YOU are our lifeline and you just can't possibly know how much you help the children that apply for assistance each and every year! YOU are the miracle these kids and their families pray for. Enrich the quality of a young life right now.


Click that Sponsor Packets button and we'll help you get started! Be the hero these children so desperately need! Thank you all for your donations and for your big hearts. It's good to have you on the TEAM.


snake River Bros is a 501(C)3 non-profit organization. TAX ID 82-0530924

​Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used with permission, provided that full and clear credit is given to Snake River Bros with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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